Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Strategy Tips for CAT

A very vital method of preparation is, going through the last few years' CAT papers. One should focus on analyzing the trends, variety of topics and kind of questions. This way, student can have a slightly better idea about what sort of questions are most likely to appear in exam. This probability method of questions helps a lot in concentrating on particular set of questions.

Candidates should also strive to allocate same amount of time to all sections. Giving undue weightage to one section over others is not a smart strategy because it increases the probability of allocating less time for other section and consequently less marks which overall affects cut-off marks. Remember to treat all sections equally. Students are also advised to identify the type of questions which they consider themselves good at. Once the identification process is done, one should revise them properly so that chances of making a mistake in those questions are minimized. In the run up to CAT, last few months are all about strengthening yourself and preparing yourself to the best of your ability. It’s better to cut out any scope for errors.

All the serious candidates develop some good habits while preparing for this mother of all management exams. One must ensure, those habits remain there till the very end. One of those habits is reading. Stick to this wonderful habit. Keep reading and keep reading any and everything. Reading all those diverse topics and enjoying yourselves is the key.

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