Wednesday, June 24, 2009

CAT 2009

June has almost ended and its high time students from all over India start preparing for Common Admission Test (CAT). One of the toughest competitive examinations in world in world, CAT exam is undertaken to get admissions into prestigious Indian Institute of Management. There is one major change this time. Exam will be going online this year and that will prove to be a big difference compared to previous years. Not many things are clear from students’ perspectives like, length of the paper, format of the exam and difficulty level etc. But more than anything, students should keep this fact in mind that just 4-5 months is left for getting your concepts right.

Whatever is the format of the exam, one thing is pretty certain. I am referring to subjects of the paper. The underlying subjects will remain the same irrespective of the length and format. Few things that any management exam will ask you are, aptitude, stress management and time management skills. As far as subjects are concerned, students must start giving appropriate attention to Verbal Ability, Logical Reasoning, Quantitative aptitude and Data interpretation. One common scenario is students mastering all these subjects but lacking in terms of stress management and time management. The reason is late preparation and inadequate practice. Just being good at subjects won’t serve the purpose. One needs to master other mental and psychological aspects also. Students are earnestly requested to start preparation as soon as possible. We will talk about particular subjects in next post.