Friday, December 18, 2009

CAT 2009- ‘Mis’-Management

So after months of preparation and anticipation, CAT 2009 finally took place. Students were eager as well as apprehensive about new exam format. Things did go wrong to some extent. Students had to suffer because of new format and poor execution. There were issues like old CAT questions, cancelled exams, waiting for endless hours, poor handling by invigilators and what not! Many students have complained of getting less time for exam and some other, definitely the luckier ones got extra time. There seemed to have no back-up plan and this severely affected career prospect of many bright students. This was not just a one-off case but found across several centres.

Students have much to complain because of this royal mess done to them. Prior to exam, students were promised user-friendly and flexible exam pattern but things really went haywire. IIM management and Prometric deserve all the flak bestowed to them by media and affected students and their parents. Another bad aspect was inadequate knowledge possessed by incompetent invigilators. They were just not aware of all the rules, procedures and even conduct.

Students and their family members had to wait for endless hours at exam centres. Many places, exams were cancelled and imagine the plight of students coming from far-flung areas. It would be a real disaster for students who could not take exam due to technical glitches. One interesting observation was difficulty level faced by different students. Some founds really easy questions whereas others found it too tough. Overall, it was not a very pleasant experience for students however they need to maintain their cool and calm and remain in positive frame of mind. Life always gives options.