Thursday, October 23, 2008

CAT: DI & Analytical Reasoning

Data Interpretation and Analytical Reasoning is one of the important sections of the Common Admission Test (CAT). In this section, candidates are given different types of graphs, diagrams, pie-charts, or other kinds of figures related to data. Candidates are also expected to answer questions on analytical reasoning which are basically mathematical puzzles and can be solved using various principles of logic.

While preparing for CAT, students are expected to be familiar with various types of problems. It has often been seen that particular sort of questions with little bit of modification, here and there, are seen regularly in the CAT. One common type of question is matching ones where candidates are provided with number of statements or clues to help them make the correct match. Though, time consuming, but students should bear one fact in mind that often often two to four linked questions are solved using one right sequence. The only way to prepare for such questions is proper practice. Look out for past papers and mock tests with such pattern and with reasonable practice, students are bound to get it right on the D-day.

One also comes across questions related to diagrams. In this case, simple visual inspection methodology will help students to get them used to such questions and they will also find it easier to crack such questions. Solving such problems also go long ways for future assignments including that of corporate life. One must use pen and paper whenever necessary.

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