Tuesday, September 29, 2009

CAT: Suggestions for Preparation

We discussed the importance of devising new methods in the previous post. To continue with the series, let’s talk of some other ways of preparing you to best of your optimum capacity. One potentially idea is to think like your faculty and be forthcoming in sharing your ideas and views. So why faculty? That’s because a faculty always comes up with new ways of solving papers that have not been thought by the students. So when you start thinking like your professor while solving any problem you are bound to have value addition to the knowledge you already possess. Furthermore, you can share your solutions with your class mates.

Many students prefer to study in groups. This helps them in understanding things better because several minds are at work together. Here also, you should try to study with someone who is better than you. That way you might come across new ideas and methods. You should also try to explain what you have understood because when you explain things your won concepts become much clearer to you.

Math and logic section trouble a lot of students. But to their respite, there is a simple way out and that is solving different types of puzzles. The thing with puzzle is they are not solved in a fixed way and you have to come up with some innovative way to solve them. Ultimately that helps your thinking ability. Sudoku could be one of the ways to start with.

1 comment:

DK Dissects said...

good post

r u a full time writer

please reply me at authorsmart@gmail.com