Many bright and intelligent students find it hard to crack the Group Discussion and Interview rounds in MBA entrance exams. The main reason is lack of effective communication skills, fear of failure and inability to speak fluent English. Only students from metropolitan cities are comfortable with spoken English because of the education and atmosphere they get but students from rural backgrounds who didn’t study at any convent schools are clearly at disadvantage. English language is often taught in their mother tongue and that doesn’t help the cause.
But we all know how important it is to have good command over English language. To learn English, one first needs to be passionate about English language. You do not need to bother over grammar, accuracy, pronunciation etc initially. Just focus on the main objective of understanding the language. Read newspapers and magazines religiously. Focus on English news channels, close your eyes and focus on the words. Similarly, many experts suggest listening to the commentary of your favorite sports.
Find a friend, family member or teacher you can talk English with. That person must be fluent in the language. Try having conversations with the person in English and ask for his feedback. Also tell him to correct your mistakes. You must do it on a daily basis.
Generate the self-confidence to speak whenever such opportunity comes to you. All you have to do is to stop paying any attention to the reactions of the audience. Not everyone will appreciate you. Some of them may laugh at you but don’t get disheartened. It is your job to make yourself mentally tough. Your confidence will pull you through this learning phase. Work on these aspects and you will able to master English communication and perform well in GD and Interview.
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