Currently, thousands of students across India are burning midnight oils to get into CAT exams in coming months. It’s a dream to get through those prestigious colleges because that will signify firmly embarking on a successful path which in most likelihood will lead to corporate success. CAT examination tests students on several fronts. Subjects like Math’s, Data Interpretations, Logical abilities, English and General Awareness combine together to form the tough barriers which the candidates need to cross in order to get into their dream college.
All the subjects mentioned above are important; however English poses the biggest challenge for majority of the students. We have already discussed about improving Reading Comprehension section. Its time to focus on Vocabulary, now. One of the most interesting aspects about English language is, it keeps evolving, modifying words, adding new words every day. One just can’t sit on the words learned before. Updating yourself is the key.
Language helps us in expressing our feelings and emotions. But sometimes, lack of exact words hinders us in expressing our actual thoughts. That makes it even more imperative to have a good vocabulary because during MBA and life after that we will constantly need to express ourselves in form of presentations, seminars, speech, discussions and similar things. It also helps in functioning in more effective ways. With changing times and enhanced technology, one tends to come across several new words which are tough to find even in a dictionary. Words like, glocalisation, marketing, burqini, cyborg etc are known as new fangled words.
All the subjects mentioned above are important; however English poses the biggest challenge for majority of the students. We have already discussed about improving Reading Comprehension section. Its time to focus on Vocabulary, now. One of the most interesting aspects about English language is, it keeps evolving, modifying words, adding new words every day. One just can’t sit on the words learned before. Updating yourself is the key.
Language helps us in expressing our feelings and emotions. But sometimes, lack of exact words hinders us in expressing our actual thoughts. That makes it even more imperative to have a good vocabulary because during MBA and life after that we will constantly need to express ourselves in form of presentations, seminars, speech, discussions and similar things. It also helps in functioning in more effective ways. With changing times and enhanced technology, one tends to come across several new words which are tough to find even in a dictionary. Words like, glocalisation, marketing, burqini, cyborg etc are known as new fangled words.
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