In a recent development, IIM (Bangalore) has started a student exchange with Paris-based HEC School of Management. The program will be known as HEC-IIMB (Hiep). According to the schedule, 20 students each from both of the institutes will visit India and France. The group of students will also work jointly on projects of mutual interest. According to IIMB Director Pankaj Chandra, this type of programs will help the institution in becoming a truly international school. The vision is to increase the size of the institute in terms of number of programs. IIMB also has its eyes on becoming a top research school with a consistent focus on India as well as other emerging economies.
According to the program, batch of 14 students of IIM-B will make a visit to France. This will help them in getting familiar with business environment in Europe. It must be noted that earlier students of HEC visited IIM-B and companies like Infosys and Biocon.